»These vitamins will keep your hair healthy
Vitamin is essential for the overall health of the human body as well as for the growth of hair. Hair is only part of the body, so when the balance of vitamins and minerals in the body is in the right amount, then only our hair will remain healthy and shining.
The health of hair is the root of all other problems, from hair fall and fall, to untimely white, baldness. Hair health and hair growth depends on three factors - your jeans, your hair care routine and your diet. We cannot change our jeans, but we can change our health care and eating habits by changing the health of our hair.
In fact, the main reason for the problem of not growing the length of hair is lack of proper care of hair and malnutrition. Both these problems can be solved in a natural way.
There is no need to worry even if the hair is falling or falling due to genetic reasons or if there is a complaint of thyroid. There is a cure for every problem in nature.
* Vitamins for Hair Growth to increase hair length
Vitamin C, vitamin B group biotin (vitamin B-7 and vitamin H) and niacin (vitamin B-3) are most effective in increasing hair length.
Proper nutrition to the hair comes only by incorporating the above mentioned vitamins in your diet. If you have a balanced diet with the above mentioned vitamin supplements in your eating habits, then your hair can grow faster.
* Effect of Vitamin B7 or Vitamin H on Hair
Biotin is Vitamin B Complex which is also known as Vitamin B-7 and Vitamin-H. It is made in our intestines and is naturally found in green vegetables - greens, almonds and eggs.
Lack of biotin causes hair loss and breakage. Apart from food, taking biotin supplements separately nourishes the hair follicles and increases hair length. The hair is dark-dense and long. Fatty acid is also produced in the body by taking biotin and cells are formed in the hair roots.
* Effect of Vitamin C on Hair
Vitamin C is water soluble and contains a large amount of anti-oxidants. Vitamin C forms an essential protein collagen, which makes up one-third of the body's skin, hair and bones, and the nervous system.
Due to being anti-oxidant in vitamin C, it also prevents many free radicals from being destroyed. Free radicals destroy hair, destroy body tissues. Lack of vitamin C is the main reason for hair loss, two mouth hair and hair breakage. Vitamin C is found in many juicy fruits including oranges, seasonal, lemons.
* Vitamins to Prevent Baldness to Avoid Baldness
Consuming vitamin C, flax seeds, sea fish protein and zinc is very effective in reducing hair loss, hair loss and fall. The intake of these vitamins causes hair to grow on the bald head.
Baldness in men is caused by androgen hormone (Dihydrotestosterone-DHT). Hair follicle, that is, nutrition of the roots of hair, causes a complaint of baldness. In such a situation, in addition to a balanced diet, men should take vitamin C and other nutrients as supplements.
Vitamin for Long and Thick Hair for long and thick hair
* Vitamin E by
Most of the hair oils sold in the market are claimed to contain Vitamin E. How much truth is there in this is a matter of research. But if you are taking vitamin E in your food, then your hair will be healthy as well as the hair will be dark and long. It strengthens the hair root and scallop. Vitamin E is found in almonds, avocado, spinach, sunflower oil and shellfish.
* Vitamin D
Vitamin D also nourishes hair roots and helps hair grow. If you sunbathe in the winter month, your body will get a good amount of vitamin D.
Note: Apart from food, do not take vitamins as a separate supplement without medical advice.
vitamin hair growth
Reviewed by Health care
June 11, 2020

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